"ენის უწყვეტობა, ძველისა და ახლის მემკვიდრეობა იძლევა მეცნიერული ტერმინოლოგიის ჩამოყალიბების საშუალებას"
1879 1208 magda
II International Conference: Terminology – Heritage and Modernity

II International Conference Terminology – Heritage and Modernity scheduled for May 9-10 in Tbilisi will be held online on November 14-15. Conference program and proceedings are available online. It is also planned to publish materials later. For further information about the Conference, please, follow the link.

960 678 magda
Vukol Beridze Association of Terminology of Georgia has three years anniversary

Three years have passed since the establishment of the Vukol Beridze Association of Terminology of Georgia! During this time we have achieved a lot with the support of the members of the association:

1879 1208 magda
II International Conference “Terminology – Heritage and Modernity”

TSU Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Vukol Beridze Association of Terminology of Georgia and National Scientific Library are organizing The 2nd International Conference Terminology – Heritage and Modernity.